About Me

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My blog's main subjects are sewing, the thing in which I am experienced the most, and beadwork, which is, in fact, pushed me into blogging. I am also engaged in knitting and crocheting. All together they are the set of skills which I use to make my wardrobe my whole life. These are not my only interests, I also like the English language (that's one of the reasons that my blog is bilingual), try to travel around my country and abroad (when can afford it), am interested in art (to the degree of a dilettante but nevertheless) and adore the people who can create anything beautiful or useful whatever it is :-) So welcome to a needlecrafter diary!

5 March 2025

My Needlecrafs Video Review #12

During few weeks I yet coped to compile a new video about mt current projects. This video tells about modest prograss in knitting my Cardigan, sewing velvet dress #115 from Burda12/2019 and mini fabric haul which is actually the only joyful thing here :-). 

Відео з майстерні №12 

Протягом декількох тижнів мені все ж таки вдалося нашкребсти сюжетів на новий випуск новин з майстерні. Він розповідає про прогрес у плетінні кардигану, посування в пошитті оксамитової блузки 128 з Burda 12/2019 і невеличкого огляду нових запасів тканин, який тут єдина радісна новина :-)