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About Me

- Oksana Starzhynska
- My blog's main subjects are sewing, the thing in which I am experienced the most, and beadwork, which is, in fact, pushed me into blogging. I am also engaged in knitting and crocheting. All together they are the set of skills which I use to make my wardrobe my whole life. These are not my only interests, I also like the English language (that's one of the reasons that my blog is bilingual), try to travel around my country and abroad (when can afford it), am interested in art (to the degree of a dilettante but nevertheless) and adore the people who can create anything beautiful or useful whatever it is :-) So welcome to a needlecrafter diary!
7 July 2017
Linen Dress, or When It's Hot Outside
In summer in my location it is mostly hot. And sometimes it so hot that instead of thinking what to put on we think what to take off not to feel like a fish thrown on the coast. But in our culture, on some reason, to go around naked is not acceptable... I have no certain opinion if it is good or bad but the fact is we must be dressed anyway :-)
Влітку в нашій місцевості переважно спекотно. І іноді настільки спекотно, що замість того, щоб думати, щоб такого на себе одягнути, ми переймаємося питанням, щоб такого із себе зняти, аби не почуватися викинутою на берег рибою. Але в нашій культурі чомусь не прийнято линдати голим... У мене немає певної думки чи це добре чи погано, але фактом залишається те, що все одно потрібно вдягатися:-) Тому, мабуть, в будь я кому гардеробі можна знайти речі, вдягнувши які водночас почуваєшся роздягнутим, коли на вулиці майже + 40 С. І оскільки ми все ж таки живемо не так близько до екватору, щоб спектися щойно залишивши будинок, для мене такий одяг - це щось радше вільного крою ніж прилягаючого, з декольте, відкритою спиною і без рукавів. А ще пошите з льону - однієї з найкращих для спеки тканин.
Surprisingly I modified nothing in the construction and followed the instructions with a couple exceptions. I didn't cut detail 22 for lining. It didn't simplified the sewing. On the contrary - brought more handy work but nevertheless I think it was right. I also didn't reinforce details 23 and 27 with interfacing but cut them from the main fabric for lining.
And the shoulder seams I sewed in usual for me way. Like in this white and this striped dresses. So I won't repeat all those descriptions.
One more trick. When cutting the lining, I try to cut it a little smaller than a main detail along the neck hole and armholes (if the item is sleeveless). It is easy to make just with adding different seams allowances. for example, add for the main detail 1 cm along the arm and neck holes and 0.7 cm for lining along the same edges. In this way the lining will never be seen in a ready dress even without top stitching (although personally I always make it in such cases).
I wouldn't call this sewing either quick or simple but it is not too hard as well and this dress is surely very worthy to make and wear.
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