Розумна, гарна та вправна :-) Useful fun for needleworkers / Корисні розваги для рукотворниць
About Me
- Oksana Starzhynska
- My blog's main subjects are sewing, the thing in which I am experienced the most, and beadwork, which is, in fact, pushed me into blogging. I am also engaged in knitting and crocheting. All together they are the set of skills which I use to make my wardrobe my whole life. These are not my only interests, I also like the English language (that's one of the reasons that my blog is bilingual), try to travel around my country and abroad (when can afford it), am interested in art (to the degree of a dilettante but nevertheless) and adore the people who can create anything beautiful or useful whatever it is :-) So welcome to a needlecrafter diary!
25 March 2018
Gathered Pencil Skirt, or Trip's Silence
I have no idea why but as soon as I saw it in the magazine, this skirt put me into some dreamy mood... what was on mind... some either short or long train travelling... When you look into the window and hear the train wheels clutter as background to your random thoughts about nothing. I like such trips' silence... even if you are in a company, nobody feels bored staying quiet and calm. I am always amazed how easy it is to feel oneself aloof from routine troubles when you leave home for some journey and especially by train. It seems to work as a kind of therapy I guess :-) Obviously if the skirt could spell on me such thoughts, it was doomed to be sewed :-)
Не маю жодного пояснення чому, але щойно побачила цю спідницю в журналі вона занурила мене у мрійливий настрій... про що я міркувала... про якусь коротку або довгу подорож потягом... Коли дивишся у вікно і чуєш гуркіт коліс як фон для своїх випадкових думок ні про що. Я люблю тишу такої мандрівки... навіть якщо ти не сам, ніхто не почувається знудженим залишаючись мовчазним і спокійним. Мене завжди дивувало, як легко відсторонюєшся від щоденної рутини щойно залишаєш домівку заради подорожі і особливо потягом. Здається, це працює як якась терапія :-) Вочевидь спідниця, яка змогла навіяти мені такі думки, була приреченою на пошиття :-)
The pattern #107 from Burda 10/2017. I must confess that the plaid modification (106) with the ruffle was my real favourite but as I had some stripy wool in my stash, I decided it would be nice as well. The only problem was the pattern requires stretch fabric. My wool has some stretching but very very slight. Of course, I could persuade myself it would be enough but much more difficult would be to persuade myself later that I am able to pull on the tight skirt :-)
Модель 107 з Burda 10/2017. Маю зізнатися. що модифікація (106) в клітинку зі шляркою, була моєю улюбленицею, але оскільки у мене в запасах була смугаста вовна, я вирішила, що так теж буде гарно. Єдина проблема - модель потребує еластичної тканини. Моя вовна трохи тягнеться, але майже непомітно. Звісно, я могла б себе переконати, що цього достатньо, але потім переконати себе, що в змозі влізти в тісну спідницю, було б набагато важче:-)
The front part looks effective and is made pretty quick.
As I made a pleat instead of the slit, at first I stitched the centre seam of the pleat to the middle to sew the zipper (usual, not metallic). Then I hemmed the skirt and after that stitched the seam to the end.
I also made an ordinary band in my usual way. At first stitched it to the wrong side of the skirt, then bent it and stitched to the right side. To make the loops to hang the skirt some ribbon can be used. as I had nothing matching I made them of the lining fabric.
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