About Me

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My blog's main subjects are sewing, the thing in which I am experienced the most, and beadwork, which is, in fact, pushed me into blogging. I am also engaged in knitting and crocheting. All together they are the set of skills which I use to make my wardrobe my whole life. These are not my only interests, I also like the English language (that's one of the reasons that my blog is bilingual), try to travel around my country and abroad (when can afford it), am interested in art (to the degree of a dilettante but nevertheless) and adore the people who can create anything beautiful or useful whatever it is :-) So welcome to a needlecrafter diary!

9 June 2019

Moon Lantern Bracelet

Today I have made a bracelet of the "Moon Lantern" beads from the previous post. The rest of the lilac crescent beads, that I had, was enough for making five "lanterns". I have two more crescents left and not less than three ones in the package were broken. Five beaded beads turned out to be the right number to make a bracelet. 

Браслет "Місячний ліхтарик"

Сьогодні зробила браслет з намистин "Місячний ліхтарик" з попереднього допису. Решти намистин півмісяців бузкового кольору, які у мене були, вистачило на п'ять "ліхтариків". Залишилося ще два півмісяці і не менше трьох в упаковці були зламані. П'ять нанизаних намистин виявилося саме стільки, скільки треба на браслет.

To make the bracelet fit well I had to string it in the way to get it about 21 cm long instead of my usual 14 cm because the beads are quite big.

Щоб браслет мав гарну посадку, довелося нанизувати його так, щоб отримати довжину 21 см замість моїх звичних 14, тому що намистини доволі великі. 

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