About Me

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My blog's main subjects are sewing, the thing in which I am experienced the most, and beadwork, which is, in fact, pushed me into blogging. I am also engaged in knitting and crocheting. All together they are the set of skills which I use to make my wardrobe my whole life. These are not my only interests, I also like the English language (that's one of the reasons that my blog is bilingual), try to travel around my country and abroad (when can afford it), am interested in art (to the degree of a dilettante but nevertheless) and adore the people who can create anything beautiful or useful whatever it is :-) So welcome to a needlecrafter diary!

22 October 2017

Autumn in the Castle Park Earrings

Every necklace needs to be paired with the matching earrings:-) And especially this last one, and especially when there are so many necessary materials left and the job is as quick as pleasant and it is so easy to make a nice thing without much efforts:-)
(All about the necklace is here.)

Сережки "Осінь у замковому парку"

Кожне намисто потребує пари у вигляді сережок:-) І особливо ось це моє останнє, і особливо, коли залишилося багато відповідних матеріалів, а робота настільки ж швидка наскільки приємна і без особливих зусиль так легко зробити гарну річ:-)
(Все про намисто тут.)

I didn't think much about the earrings' design. It went on its own. The most obvious idea was to make a brick stitch triangle from the cube beads and to add the fringe in the same way as it was for the necklace.

Про дизайн сережок багато не думала. Склалося само собою. Найочевиднішою ідеєю було зробити трикутнички з кубиків цегляним плетінням і додати китиці у такий самий спосіб як і для намиста.

I wish I could end the post with the words, "And here the set on me" but as it is not clear when it will become true, I just say, "And here it is!" :-)

Хотілося б закінчити допис словами "Ось весь набір на мені", але оскільки невідомо, коли це справдиться, то просто скажу "Ось він який!" :-)