About Me

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My blog's main subjects are sewing, the thing in which I am experienced the most, and beadwork, which is, in fact, pushed me into blogging. I am also engaged in knitting and crocheting. All together they are the set of skills which I use to make my wardrobe my whole life. These are not my only interests, I also like the English language (that's one of the reasons that my blog is bilingual), try to travel around my country and abroad (when can afford it), am interested in art (to the degree of a dilettante but nevertheless) and adore the people who can create anything beautiful or useful whatever it is :-) So welcome to a needlecrafter diary!

28 August 2020

Golden Mean Earrings


None of the necklace feels well without a couple of matching earrings :-) And this yellow one is not an exception. After sorting the beads at first I put aside several of them for making the pair of  earrings. 

The set is meant to complete the dress about which I will tell a little later.

Сережки "Золота середина" 

Жодне намисто не почувається добре без пари гожих сережок :-) І це жовте - не виключення. Як посортувала намистини, спочатку відклала декілька з них для виготовлення сережок. 

Набір призначається для доповнення сукні, про яку розповім трохи згодом.

Main beads of the earrings are those cylinders. I used three the same for the necklace. These beads are of higher quality and more expensive than the rest. I had these beads in stash few years and whenever tried to use, their weight confused me. Probably they knew better what they are meant to be for as I was wearing the ready earrings almost the whole day and have recalled that confusing fact only now, while writing this post :-) 

Головні намистини в сережках - ті циліндри. Три таких самих додала до намиста. Вони вищої якості і дорожчі за решту. Ці намистини у мене лежали декілька років і щоразу, коли я хотіла їх використати, мене бентежила їхня вага. Мабуть вони краще знали своє призначення, оскільки я носила готові сережки майже цілий день і цей факт про збентеження згадала лише зараз, коли пишу цей допис :-)

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